Tarpaulins Shop: Tarpaulin | Heavy Duty Tarpaulin Sheets
The winter is finally over with and there are traces of spring showing up here and there. Time to recommit yourself to that barn project you stopped in the middle of last year. Let's just hope there isn't a stable full of soggy ponies standing knee-deep in water because the gaps in the roof were not sealed off properly. Hopefully, the horses were kept warm and bone-dry over those rainy, winter months because a Heavy duty tarpaulin was used over the unfinished parts of the roof.
A Heavy duty tarpaulin is probably one of the best investments a horse owner can make when it comes to protecting the animals from the elements. Heavy duty tarpaulins are a durable and inexpensive way cover a roof because they are made from such heavy-duty materials such as industrial strength plastics, canvas, and vinyl. Heavy duty tarpaulins fold up for easy storage when they are not in use and can be found in almost every retailer, camping supply store and specialty shop anywhere. They are also available in a variety of colours and textures but are generally designed with a specific purpose in mind, so sometimes the colour is chosen for you based upon what ever purpose you intend to use it for.
In the case of using a Heavy duty tarpaulins to cover up the open spots on a partially finished stable roof, The heavier the material one is made from then the most likely it is to absorb water and that is not good. During the periods when rain is most frequent it is probably best to use a plastic coated Heavy duty tarpaulin that way the water is not absorbed into the material but will roll right off it instead. Throughout the parts of the spring and summer when the weather is relatively dry, you could use a canvas tarpaulin but it would be wise to have a couple of plastic ones on stand-by just in case.
Another advantage with using the plastic tarp is that they are of a lighter weight than those made from other materials and if you are doing work in any place of high elevation you are going to want to have as much control over the situation as possible. Once you have the Heavy duty tarpaulin on the roof, you can spread it out flat, covering up all of the open spaces (in some cases you may have to use more than one). Anchor the Heavy duty tarpaulin down by tying bungee cords to free beams, or use a hammer and nails, or a staple gun and then you'll have it.
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