Waterproof Heavy Weight Tarpaulins | Tarpaulins Shop
Heavy Weight Tarpaulins are handy things to have around and they serve a variety of uses. One of the best uses for those poly Heavy Weight Tarpaulins however, is that they can keep just about anything of any size dry including people. Lightweight and easy to use a Heavy Weight Tarpaulin even folds up extremely small making it possible to take one or two with you in your car, in your backpack while hiking and you can find a world of uses for them when camping in the great outdoors as well as at home. Here are just some of the ways that you can keep dry with a poly Heavy Weight Tarpaulin.
In, Over And Around While Camping
Heavy Weight Tarpaulins make great ground covers for under your tent when camping. Placing one of these handy Heavy Weight Tarpaulins on the ground before setting up your tent will keep the bottom of your tent dry making for more comfortable sleeping since your tent bottom won't draw damp and prevent the bottom of your tent from mildewing. Heavy Weight Tarpaulins over your tent can keep you drier as well. While most tents now come with rain flies all too often these rain flies don't extend far enough away from your tent sides to provide real protection from rain run off. Using a poly Heavy Weight Tarpaulin over your tent as a rain fly ensures that the rain run off will be far away from your tent sides keeping your tent and you much drier.
You can also use poly Heavy Weight Tarpaulins to cover your campfire wood keeping it dryer which means your fire will start and burn easier every time. They can also be used to cover up your picnic table and camping chairs at night allowing for more drier sitting should it rain or there be heavy dew.
A Hikers Friend
Poly Heavy Weight Tarpaulin can also be a hikers best friend. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of a hike and being subjected to a heavy unexpected rain. Being out in the wet miles from shelter is no fun. Carrying a poly Heavy Weight Tarpaulin in your back pack will allow you to stop and keep dry until the rain ends. You can either throw your Heavy Weight Tarpaulin over a sturdy tree branch and make a quick simple shelter to sit out that rain storm or just simply throw it over yourself to keep dry.
Around The Home
Heavy Weight Tarpaulins can also be used for keeping things dry around your home as well. Covering that patio furniture with a poly Heavy Weight Tarpaulin before going to bed can ensure that you don't have to wait until your furniture dries out or is wiped off before sitting on it during the day. They also make covers for your out door grill and accessories keeping them drier and ready to use even after days of heavy rain. Heavy Weight Tarpaulins come in a variety of different sizes and weights making them the perfect cover for everything and anything you want to keep dry. Why let a little rain ruin your summer when poly Heavy Weight Tarpaulins can make those camping, hiking or at home activities a little drier and more pleasant.
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